Sep 25, 2017
Brett Fischer used to see Tommy John’s surgery in 25 to 28 year old athletes. Now he is seeing it in 13 year olds. What has happened to simple joy of the game and playing for fun when we push our athletes so hard they need surgeries at half the age they used to need them?
Listen to Brett explain to John what is...
Sep 18, 2017
Has your child experienced bullying in sport? This episode is the tough conversation none of us like to have but we must in order to protect our children. Author and anti-bullying expert, Jen Fraser, shares her own experiences with John and outlines a new kind of sport paradigm that could end bullying. Listen in to find...
Sep 11, 2017
Would you be willing to trade 10 minutes at the start of practice in order to shorten training by an hour and increase your team’s learning and development? Many coaches struggle to keep practices short and on task and fear giving up any time to activities like mindfulness training. What Dr. Lynch has discovered, the...
Sep 4, 2017
Is the way we coach based upon the latest science, research, and best practices of how children learn? Or is it based upon how we were coached growing up?
In this fantastic interview, Dr. Richard Bailey, Head of Research at ICSSPE, separates fact from fiction and discusses some of the common mistakes that he sees...